
If your life is in a tangle and you feel as if you need new growth, an astrology reading can provide you with illumination into your current situation.

What can a psychic reading tell you about yourself and your life? It can tell you not only who you are, but where you’re heading. It can give you insights into your relationship, finances, career, health, family, education, travel — you name it.

It can look at a relationship between two people and show you not only your strengths and weaknesses as a couple but your karmic and soul-mate connections as well. It can look at your life path, your calling, your soul’s purpose — whatever you want to call it.

It can look at your spiritual leanings, your psychological and emotional challenges and physical limitations (health and wellness). And so much more! If you’ve never had an psychic reading, prepare to be amazed. It’s not just tarot cards and horoscopes.

It offers a unique and very personal look into your psychological makeup, that extends to your impact on the world around you (and its impact on you). In other words, on your actions and decisions that reverberate out and manifest in your life as events.

I look forward to chatting with you!


I am available for live phone (AUS only) or chat consultations in 10-, 30- and 60-minute increments, payable through PayPal. I am located on the beautiful mid north coast of New South Wales in Australia, AEST time zone. Please email me to schedule an appointment if you do not see me live.

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